NAME Matt Ziering
WHAT SHIRT DID YOU CHOOSE AND WHY? I chose Lou Holtz, why because Lou Holtz is the man. And the Notre Dame fight song is the best with Rocky Top + Hail to the Victors. And he (Lou) kinda talks like Admiral Akbar!
WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING/LISTENING TO/WATCHING? I'm currently reading The Bush Tragedy + Jim Carroll's Basketball Diaries I'm listening to anything pop. 70's pop, 80's pop, 90's alt rock pop, Taylor Swift pop. I watch Sports Duty!
WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? I grew up in Los Angeles, nothing interesting here.
WHAT WAS THE LAST GREAT MEAL YOU ATE? Bay cities god mother spicy works yesterday.
WHAT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE YOU'VE EVER BEEN? New Zealand, I have slideshows to prove it.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE/DISLIKE? I really like fighter jets, sharks, history, the Patriots, Red Sox (baseball), Celtics, alt pop music, basically just all the stuffI liked when I was 12. I hate music festivals + Day drinking
WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ON THE NEXT DEERDANA SHIRT? Maybe Tom Cruise? Bill Clinton is pretty cool too.
DO YOU HAVE A WEBSITE/TWITTER/INSTAGRAM? @unclezito is my instagram - lots of self promotion on there WHAT ELSE? The sunshine bores the daylights out of me. I'm really playing up my athletic profile in this shoot. My second choice for a shirt was my parents dog Ray Ray. Giving a shout out to my sister Nat, brother Sam, Michael + Dime. Hey Mo! Long live DEER DANA. Oh I also like stickers. And am good at blowing bubbles with gum.
Photo by Dana Veraldi