Maia Gradante

Maia Gradante

What is your name and where are you currently?
My name is Maia Gradante. I have been quarantined with my sister Lily, cat Toulouse and our bunny Squish in our apartment in Brooklyn NY.
What are you currently reading?
Permanent Record book by Mary H. K. Choi, and obv DeerDana Q&A!!
What are you currently watching?
Haha all of it. My favorites have been Mrs. America, Dave, The Great, and Betty. Feel free to reach out if you need a recommendation. I think I have watched every show out there at this point- and I love talking TV 😬
What are you currently listening to?
I have a great record collection from my dad’s small vintage clothing & record business @past_on_vintage. My favorites in the last few months have been Wordy Rappinghood by Tom Tom Club, 96º In The Shade by Third World, Transformer by Lou Reed, and One Nation Under a Groove by Funkadelic... to name a few!
What have you been eating the most? Do you have a recipe to share?
I have mastered making poached eggs- so I have been putting them on top of everything I make. Tacos, salads, ramen, pasta... it's good.
How are you moving your body/exercising?
I have been doing yoga, going on walks and taking runs around my neighborhood. But most importantly- my mom sent us our old PS2 and DDR discs. We project it and play outside! It’s the best work out and such a nostalgic blast, I highly recommend!
If you’re buying anything, what is it?
Cheetos, string lights for our yard, beer, soil for plants, and new DDR mats.
What’s one new thing you started doing big or small since this all happened? (Like a new skill/a hobby or even habit)
Cooking, yoga, indigo dying, writing raps for close friends quarantined birthdays hahaha
Tell me about your evening routine! And your morning one too!
Morning- Make bed, clean my teeth, make breakfast, put on sports bra & leggings, do yoga/ run in McCarren Park or sit outside/ water our newly sprouting plants.
Evening- Take a walk/run. Sit outside with a Narragansett, draw or Houseparty a friend. Get in comfortable clothes and watch a tv show.
Really exciting stuff!!!!!!!
What’s one way big or small that you’ve been helping others?
I made an Instagram called @aroundahousefit where I post outfits that people wear at home, I feel it’s a fun way to bring people together however far apart we all are during this time. I suppose I hope it to help everyone feel like we’re all in this together.
Do you know of any good charities or causes people could donate to?
Help protect the homeless of NYC here!
Click here to donate to "Heart of Dinner" which focuses on the elderly and vulnerable of NYC's Chinatown.
Also- Lupes East LA kitchen has been one of my favorite lunch spots in SoHo since I moved to New York. They have been struggling since the pandemic and started a go fund me. You can help out here to keep NYC authentic and one of a kind!
What keeps you sane?
Talking to my friends, drawing, watering my plants, and playing DDR.
What one thing can’t you wait to do?
Go camping at Calvin Coolidge National park in Vermont!!!!
Who has been the most interesting/unexpected person you’ve spoken with since this started?
A few close guy friends from high school, it’s been a great time to catch up!
What’s one thing you’re grateful for?
Very thankful that my apartment has a court yard area to barbecue, garden, tan, and dance! Also always grateful for my health, sunny days, friends and my mom and dad <3
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