What is your name and where are you currently?
My name is Yale Breslin. I’m currently, for the last three weeks and with no end in sight, on the North Port of Long Island, away from New York City, where I normally live.
Are you where you normally live?
I’m not. And for the first time ever, I’m able to say I’m happy being away from my home.
What are you currently reading?
I’ve been reading a lot of the opinion pieces in the NYTimes these days. I normally don’t do this – but I guess things have changed?
What are you currently watching?
Endless scrolls of endless people I don’t know on Tik Tok.
What have you been eating the most?
Do you have a recipe to share? I’ve been mixing it up. I’m arguably the world’s worst cook but I did make fajitas the other night. With lots of sauces. And wine. The wine and the sauces I guess masked the real flavors.
How are you moving your body/exercising?
I’m into all this IG Live exercise. I did a Rumble class the other day. I tuned into Ryan Heffington’s dance party just to move my body. Some of these Nike Training Club work outs are no joke either. And….walking.
What’s one thing you keep wanting to do but just can’t get yourself to do?
Wanted to viciously clean my apartment and clean out the closets – but – since I’m not home, that isn’t happening.
If you’re buying anything, what is it?
Absolutely nothing. Except Italian food from this restaurant called Maroni’s the other night which was incredible.
What’s one new thing you started doing big or small since this all happened? (Like a new skill/a hobby or even habit).
I’ve been FaceTiming my family a lot more which is really nice.
What’s the thing you find most challenging about quarantine?
That all day all night all I do is Zoom. It haunts me.
Has there been a silver lining to it for you?
Yes – that this will end and one day we will go back to a somewhat normal life, while recognizing all the things we once took for granted.
Have you connected with old friends?
Not as much as I should but hey, I can start now.
Our lifestyles have shifted a lot, is there anything you’ll keep doing on the other side of all this?
FaceTiming my family!
Tell me about your evening routine!
Wine starting at 730. Scroll Netflix to watch something (anything to numb my mind) and in bed by 10 PM. 10:15 latest.
And your morning one too!
Wake up with nightmares of Zoom’s gone bad and sharing my desktop to the entire company where they see things I do want them to see.
What’s one way big or small that you’ve been helping others?
I’ve made some small donations to the restaurants and places that I frequent that might not make it through this. These are the places that make our city as great as it is.
What one thought keeps you sane?
That things could be a lot worse. I’m fortunate to be with friends, on the water, in a home with open space, open roads, and sunshine. And….I have a job.
What one thing can’t you wait to do?
Not be afraid of being less that 6 feet away from someone. Anyone.
Who has been the most interesting/unexpected person you’ve spoken with since this started?
I’m waiting for that person to get in touch.
What’s one thing you’re grateful for?
Maintaining my sanity….so far.